Home Automation Project – Three Simple Ones You Can Start Today

Turning your home into a smart home can take years but also minutes. If you don’t know where to start your home automation project, we suggest checking out this list of simple smart home projects that you can easily launch today.


Home Automation Projects

Home Automation Project

Smart Lights


We all know how important it is to choose the right lighting for your home that will perfectly correspond to your interior design, create the right ambiance and keep your electricity bills low. Today, to achieve all of the mentioned above you should think more about bulbs than actually a lamp itself. Connected bulbs or smart lights are an important yet quick and easy improvement for your smart home.

There are plenty of smart light solutions on the market right now. Connected directly to your smartphone, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or special remote controller, these wireless bulbs combine latest technologies with LED light, creating a cost-efficient and customizable lighting solution for your home. Moreover, most smart lights feature an impressive variety of colors and shades that can create a perfect ambiance within one click.

The best thing about smart lights is the affordability of this home automation project. You can buy a connected bulb in the nearest electronics store or order it from a wide collection on Amazon starting from 15$.


Wireless multi-room sound system


Got tired of carrying a speaker all over the house? Need to create a romantic or party atmosphere in each room of your house at the same time? Then a wireless multi-room sound system is definitely your must-do home automation project. Luckily, today they are more affordable and easy-to-buy then ever. Furthermore, modern wireless sound systems are flexible to set-up as you can simply connect the system to a home network and control it from your smartphone by downloading its iOS or Android app.


There is now a wide variety of multi-room sound systems online and offline from well-known sound tech brands like Samsung and Bose as well as brands specialized precisely on wireless technologies (Sonos). Although it is not cheap to purchase the entire smart sound system for home at once, you may always start with one speaker and connect more as they come.


Smart Air Conditioner


Is it always too hot or too cold at home? Don’t worry, now you can have a smarter air-conditioner! And the best thing is that you don’t need to buy a new air conditioner at all. There are various devices on the market today such as, for example, Sensibo and Tado that can be attached directly to your old air conditioner and make it instantly smarter.


By connecting your old air conditioner to a smartphone, these devices give you an opportunity to remotely control temperature and humidity levels at your home anywhere and anytime. Moreover, this home automation project will save energy, thus, reduce your electricity bills, by automatically turning off air conditioning when you are out of the house (using geo-location of your phone).

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