5 Out Of This World House Gadgets That You Can Already Buy

With the very quick progress technology is making these days, there is more and more amazing products being sold to the general public. Some of these things are so amazing and advanced that a few years ago they would have been considered impossible. So here are five amazing house gadgets that are available to you right now.

Cool House Gadgets

1. Anself Glow LED Water Faucet

This gadget is simply put on a water faucet to create a beautiful led colored stream of water. Aside from the aesthetic side of the gadget, it’s also very practical. The colors suggest the temperature of water. Red color says the water is hot, green means it’s warm, and blue means it’s cold.

2. Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo is very pricey but it’s also worth it. The features of this little thing are endless, and they keep increasing. You can play music, listen to the radio, ask it questions… The great thing about it is that you can control a lot of different wireless house gadgets. You can turn lights on and off, unlock doors… and it’s all activated by voice recognition. The voice recognition technology is also very good, the gadget can hear your voice across the room, even while music is playing.

3.Mr. Coffee Smart

Now this is a product for every coffee lover out there. This device uses Wi-Fi so we can control it from our phones or computers. You can simply download the app and set when you want it to brew. When you wake up you won’t have to spend more than 20 seconds in that dreadful state because the coffee will already be done. Just get out of bed quickly and crawl to that caffeine life machine to revive yourself from the dead.

4. Canary All-In-One Home Security Device

This might seem like just a tiny little camera, but it’s so much more. Aside from providing video of your home it also protects it. It has a built in alarm of 90 dB and it can also monitor air quality, temperature, and humidity. There is no installation required, you just plug it in and it works its magic.

5. August Smart Lock

This gadget allows you to unlock your door without a key. The lock is controlled over Wi-Fi by your phone, so you don’t have to worry about losing your key anymore. You can control who has access to your home and who doesn’t. This lock is very easy to install, and only the interior of your standard lock is replaced, the outside looks the same.

*And just for full disclosure, there are affiliate links in this post about house gadgets. That means that I’m sharing something that I think is helpful, and if you make a purchase through the link, I earn a little bit back. No extra cost to you, and just a little help for me to pay for the blog expenses.

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