
Home automation security – Is it safe?

Home automation security - Is it safe?

As we know all the latest home automation systems can be controlled from your mobile phone, tablet or a computer. You can be across the world and open your door, windows, start your air condition, turn on and off the lights… But what about home automation security, do you risk the safety of your home with all this connected technology?

Home automation security – Is it safe?

But what about home automation security? Can we trust that no one will hack our house?

I think we all agree that we see our houses as our safe places. And we like to keep it like that. The common misconception is that you home become susceptible to hackers and other intruders that want to enter or rob your home. Home automation systems are secured with the use of signal redundancies and encryption, which make it resilient to such scenarios. It is very difficult for a home automation system to be compromised by an outsider. In addition to that many of the home automation systems include sophisticated security alarms that add another layer of security to your home.

Can your home be hacked?

Home automation advantages in securing your home

In some ways having a good home automation system is a big leap forward when you want your home secured. Having the option to lock your door from a remote location if you forgot, close the window blinds, the smoke detector that alerts you and the fire department in case of fire, IP cameras with motion detection that alert you in the case of intruders and that is only the beginning.

We wrote a lot about different technology uses in home automation, if you are interested you can check out our article about Home Automation Gadgets 2016.

The advantages of a smart home are too huge to be ignored, but we must ensure proper use to have the most benefits with minimal trouble.

Also if your are interested what complete systems we are talking about you can check our article about top 10 home automation systems.


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