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It was half past six and the hands were quietly moving forwards.

Smart Ways to Save Energy With Home Automation

In this current digital age, automation is no longer just a trend but rather a necessity that...

Does Google Assistant Really Understand Your Command?

The advancement of smart home automation technology has become mainstream nowadays. I mean, who wouldn’t want to...

Smart Doorbells That You Need to Consider Installing in the New Normal

With the current pandemic situation worldwide, we can’t help but adjust to what they so-called “New Normal.” With that, we also need to upgrade some of our stuff, including home...

Simple Home Automation Ideas That You Can Do This Weekend

People who consider automating their home usually think that installing it would require complicated and technical procedures...

Oval Smart Home: A Reliable 5-in-1 Sensor That your Home Desperately Needs

The first priority that you should always consider at home is your security. That’s why when you’re...

Is Wyze Home Monitoring a Good Investment for your Household’s Security?

In setting up a smart home automation system, it's essential to prioritize your household's security. There are...

Is there a single perfect smart home app ?

A smart home app, also called as home automation app, is an application that allows users to...

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